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You are here: BDIslam Home > Learn Quran > Lesson 3 : Fathah
Check Out Practice Table 1, Practice Table 2, Exercise 3
Note:1 Pronounce the blue-colored letters Rounded or Full Mouthed such as the English words Raw and Saw.
Note:2 To hear the interactive sound, please use “Internet Explore”. Our interactive sound may not compatible with other browsers such as Mozilla FireFox. Sounds are taken from
جَ | ثَ | تَ | بَ | اَ |
رَ | ذَ | دَ | خَ | حَ |
ضَ | صَ | شَ | سَ | زَ |
فَ | غَ | عَ | ظَ | طَ |
نَ | مَ | لَ | كَ | قَ |
يَ | ىَ | ءَ | هَ | وَ |
وَ | يَ | عَ | ءَ | اَ |
ةَ | تَ | حَ | هَ | بَ |
كَ | قَ | ضَ | دَ | طَ |
ذَ | شَ | ثَ | صَ | سَ |
لَ | رَ | زَ | جَ | ظَ |
نَ | مَ | فَ | غَ | خَ |
جَعَلَ | اَمَرَ | اَخَذَ |
حَشَرَ | حَسَدَ | جَمَعَ |
رَفَعَ | ذَكَرَ | خَلَقَ |
فَعَلَ | عَدَلَ | عَبَسَ |
كَفَرَ | كَسَبَ | قَدَرَ |
وَهَبَ | وَلَدَ | وَجَدَ |
وَجَدَ | وَسَقَ | وَقَبَ |
‘How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance.’